Guy McKanna

Guy is a highly-experienced corporate communications consultant, having counselled leading organisations in Australia and overseas on a wide range of issues and challenges.

Guy started his career at The Australian Financial Review, making the move to Corporate Communications over two decades ago. He has since worked in public relations consultancies as well as in-house with a range of bluechip financial services brands including Merrill Lynch, Deutsche, NAB , Fidelity, AMP Capital and most recently BNP Paribas.

He brings to the team a depth of expertise and experience that delivers tangible results. His counsel covers strategy development, implementation and integration; internal and external communications; marketing communications; online, digital and social communications; thought leadership; and issues and crisis management.

He understands the needs of the various stakeholders and how to meet them with practical and effective counsel and action.

Guy is also a founding member of the not-for-profit Australian Transformation and Turnaround Association and understands the dynamics of today’s changing marketplace and what it takes for organisations to not only survive, but thrive.

Outside of a varied work and family life, Guy enjoys paragliding, paddle boarding, horse riding and small boat sailing.

Rashmi Punjabi

Rashmi is the Head of Business Development at Honner with over a decade of experience in corporate, listed and consumer public relations.

Rashmi has been with Honner for more than six years and is a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). She brings deep experience building integrated strategic campaigns and working closely with clients to deliver highly proactive media relations, content and social programs, particularly in the financial advice and asset management space. Key clients have included Colonial First State, Janus Henderson Investors, The Financial Planning Association of Australia and Betashares. In recent years, Rashmi has led Honner’s work in the growing cryptocurrency and digital assets sector, working with clients such as BTC Markets, and MH Carnegie.

As Head of Business Development, Rashmi’s focus is to drive new business and organic growth across the agency as well as provide input into the strategic direction of the firm.

Prior to joining Honner in 2016, Rashmi worked at Adfactors PR – India’s largest and multi-award winning independent PR agency – and a key global agency partner of Honner. At Adfactors Rashmi worked in the Investor Relations team managing a range of financial communications projects such as IPO listings, open offers, earnings announcements and has keen interest in helping organisations communicate more effectively with their stakeholders.

Rashmi holds a Masters in Economics degree from The University of Warwick, UK with specialisation in Global Finance and Derivative Securities and Markets.

As a new mum Rashmi works part-time and spends most of her non-working time with her daughter.

Priya Karyekar

Priya joined Honner in 2014 and works with the management team and external accountants to oversee the financial accounts and reporting for the business, as well as providing support on office management.

Priya has a Bachelor of Commerce from Mumbai University, India, and is a qualified Australian CPA. Following her early accounting training with Ernst & Young in India, Priya migrated to Australia in 2003. She brings more than 15 years’ experience working in a range of accounting roles for organisations both large and small.

Philippa Honner

Philippa founded Honner (then Honner Media) in 1997 in a bid to provide targeted PR for the investment, superannuation and financial services sector.

Today that service spans the broader Australian financial and corporate sectors.

Philippa offers 25 years’ experience in financial PR, communications and journalism. Prior to establishing Honner, Philippa worked in the banking sector in Sydney and London before pursuing a career in financial communications. She worked as a financial journalist in the UK before returning to Australia in 1994 to edit Australian superannuation and institutional investment journal Super Review. She also spent two years with one of the UK’s leading corporate and financial PR agencies, Fishburn, where she worked across a range of accounts including PWC and British Telecom during the dotcom boom.

In 2017-2018 Philippa moved to New York to establish a presence in the US market and to further build relations with Honner’s US clients and agency partners.

Today Philippa oversees the running of the agency and drives the growth and evolution of the business, including its new business and partnerships programs. Philippa has a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Sydney. In her spare time she enjoys skiing, mountain biking and spending time with her son.